Friday, August 12, 2011

New Blog

new blog!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Arts and Crafts

I love DIY crafts. Recently, I've been into hair pieces and home decor! I'm also a budget conscious, cheap-o-, so Goodwill has been my best friend the past week and a half. I think all of these projects together have been under $20. Yippie!!

Hair Pieces:

Centerpieces are my favorite part of home decor! I love the obscure vase and single flower trend! This project is still in the works, but for now this will do.

Last but not least is my favorite, most recent, and most un-finished project. All the frames and accessories - Under $13!

BTW: Blogger might have THE worst photo uploader/arranger.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian. - Ghandi

I might believe in the Redeemer if His followers looked more Redeemed. - Nietzsche

It has always seemed unfair to me that many churches (and some individual Christians) keep careful records on how many converts they make to Christianity, but never keep any record of how many they drive away from Christ. - Ray C. Stedman

Jesus did not say, "ABC. Now you're a Christian! Congratulations, now you will not burn in hell like all you scum-bags deserve."
No, Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me. Sell your possessions and leave your families. Deny yourself pleasures and riches. Repent - not because this is a salvation of works, but because this is a salvation of faith and love. I tore the vail for you on the cross. And I, the son of GOD, became sin for you.

When the gospel is stripped of glory, the result is 'christians' that lead to the above quotes.

guilty. Although the perfection I'm called to in the Bible is not achievable, that doesn't change the fact that I'm still called to strive for that.

Hard Core Convicted,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

never having a bad day
we make a difference
God chose me
thinking eternally
living missionally
going without
getting mentally ready to maybe be martyred for my beliefs on the mission field
reaching out
searching within
disciplining and being discipled
being encouraged and trying to encourage
prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer and petition with thanksgiving
ask and receive
knock and the doors will be opened
seek and you will find
committing works and establishing thoughts (proverbs 16:3)
church family
family family
work family

so, i'm a little scatterbrained but it's making me really happy!
i've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart to stay.

thank you, Lord.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

God is good.

God is good all the time; all the time God is good.

As of late, God's just simply said, "I love you." in every little thing.
The trees changing colors, the ladies at work, my church family, my family family, my best friends, my inner peace. . . inner peace - yeah! Also, I never realized how important being encouraged is. Not being encouraged when someone walks up and says, "I like your shoes today." But encouragement by seeing those around me living a holy life, totally refined and sanctified by the Spirit! That's awesome and makes me really happy.

Friday, July 30, 2010

As most of you know, I work at a preschool (and LOVE it!) These are some of the awesome things my kids say:

fred - bread

"Where's mommy?"
"I think mommy's stuck in traffic."

babysoup - bathingsuit

escalavator - elevator

"You're a poopoonastydoodoostinkyhead. WITH CHEESE!"

3 year old Emma - "Ugh! My hair gets in my mouth sometimes." (long blonde hair)

3 Year old Elijah - "Mine doesnt..." (buzzed brown hair)

Emma - "That's cause your hair's brown."

Elijah - "Oh yeah! I forgot."

Cool name of the day: a girl neamed Ireland! Love it!

Today, (sept 21) my 2s played with shaving cream! One girl said, "I look like Christmas!" and another started singing "The First Noel!"!

I'm also a nanny and these are the words of my favorite 6yr. old! "Bonock Obrama [Obama] , he was the best president! He let England rule over Japan. . . 'Cause Japan was being mean. . . yeah."

"For goodnes snakes."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

One of my good friends has gone away for 6 months to learn how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and act upon what He says. This concentrated time with God and like-minded believers has been an awesome life-changing experience. This friend is now in Thailand, right in the middle of the Red Light District, talking face to face with people indulging in the many sins this area offers. Before leaving the U.S. to go away to Thailand for 2 months, we had an awesome phone conversation. As I heard of the exciting things God is doing and this friends boldness, I was truly inspired to become more in tune to the voice of the Holy Spirit in me. (just like my friend has learned to do. jealous.)
Being in tune to the voice of the Holy Spirit requires some discipline. It requires being able to distinguish between the voice of Satan and his demons and not acting upon my fleshly emotions and impulses. Scary stuff. On the bright side, if I'm in tune with the Holy Spirit, then I'm in tune with God--falling more in love with Him, His Word, and His guidance--learning how to love, care, and evangelize.
For some reason this is really hard for me to do consistently--maybe it's because I can't see God and have a conversation with Him face to face. Maybe the distractions of life so easily steal my attention. frustrating. The best thing I can think to do is, "Just do it!" -Nike. For me, this means consciously remind myself that I'm a child of God, He loves me, and I'm called to obey Him. Obedience is not going to be all fun and games, lollipops and puppy dogs-It's hard, requiring every bit of determination and dependence I can muster! But the the joy that comes from knowing that I'm serving my Father, pleasing Him and bettering His kingdom is totally worth it! It's humbling and amazing that God is letting me be a part of something so much bigger than myself!