Friday, August 12, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Arts and Crafts
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, November 13, 2010
God is good.
As of late, God's just simply said, "I love you." in every little thing.
The trees changing colors, the ladies at work, my church family, my family family, my best friends, my inner peace. . . inner peace - yeah! Also, I never realized how important being encouraged is. Not being encouraged when someone walks up and says, "I like your shoes today." But encouragement by seeing those around me living a holy life, totally refined and sanctified by the Spirit! That's awesome and makes me really happy.
Friday, July 30, 2010
As most of you know, I work at a preschool (and LOVE it!) These are some of the awesome things my kids say:
fred - bread
"Where's mommy?"
"I think mommy's stuck in traffic."
babysoup - bathingsuit
escalavator - elevator
"You're a poopoonastydoodoostinkyhead. WITH CHEESE!"
3 year old Emma - "Ugh! My hair gets in my mouth sometimes." (long blonde hair)
3 Year old Elijah - "Mine doesnt..." (buzzed brown hair)
Emma - "That's cause your hair's brown."
Elijah - "Oh yeah! I forgot."
Cool name of the day: a girl neamed Ireland! Love it!
Today, (sept 21) my 2s played with shaving cream! One girl said, "I look like Christmas!" and another started singing "The First Noel!" love.love.love!
I'm also a nanny and these are the words of my favorite 6yr. old! "Bonock Obrama [Obama] , he was the best president! He let England rule over Japan. . . 'Cause Japan was being mean. . . yeah."
"For goodnes snakes."
Saturday, March 27, 2010
For some reason this is really hard for me to do consistently--maybe it's because I can't see God and have a conversation with Him face to face. Maybe the distractions of life so easily steal my attention. frustrating. The best thing I can think to do is, "Just do it!" -Nike. For me, this means consciously remind myself that I'm a child of God, He loves me, and I'm called to obey Him. Obedience is not going to be all fun and games, lollipops and puppy dogs-It's hard, requiring every bit of determination and dependence I can muster! But the the joy that comes from knowing that I'm serving my Father, pleasing Him and bettering His kingdom is totally worth it! It's humbling and amazing that God is letting me be a part of something so much bigger than myself!